During my research I came across a book called " Death Warmed Over - Funeral Foods, Rituals, and Customs from Around the World" by Lisa Rogak.(2004)
""An elderly man was at home dying in bed when he smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies baking. He wanted one last cookie before he died. He fell out of bed , crawled to the landing, rolled down the stairs, and dragged himself into the kitchen, where his wife was busy baking cookies. WIth his strength waning, he made it to the table and was just barely able to life his withered arm to the cookie rack. As he grasped a warm, moist chocolate chip cookie, his wife suddenly whacked his hand with a spatula. "Why?" he whispered. "Why did you do that?"
"They're for the funeral!" ""
- Thank you Lisa Rogak for this bit of humor!
Have you ever really thought about the food at funerals?
The act of preparing and delivering food to a neighbor upon the death of a family member has changed over time. Have you ever brought food to a neighbor following a death?
Do we care what is served after a funeral?
Does anyone ever attend a funeral just to have a free meal afterwards?
Some people only stay for the luncheon out of obligation following the funeral.
I do not think anyone would really say, " Hey, lets go to Billy-Jo's funeral because I hear they are going to have an amazing luncheon afterwards or lets skip the luncheon because I hear the family has terrible food!"
Do you care what is served at your own funeral? Is that something you would plan out ahead of time? I am pretty sure that you will not remember the food that is served at your own funeral so does it really matter?
Do you pay attention to the foods served after a funeral? Do we judge the family by the food served at the funeral? Perhaps it is like food served at weddings. Those attending really only remember the food if it is really great or if it is just horrible.
It seems as though a funeral ritual of providing food following a funeral has been present at least since the 20th century and is still common in modern times. People find comfort in food.
The types of food served after a funeral depended on the region, but many times, a tradition was serving casseroles. Today, we may see more hams or fried chicken, but I have still seen casseroles being provided.
In the past, food may have been prepared by neighbors and family members, but in more modern times, it is often catered by a company/restaurant. This is one change we have seen in the funeral food rituals.
I was at a funeral recently and fried chicken was provided. It was purchased instead of being made by friends/family.
What types of foods have you seen at funerals?
I have had many different types of food at funerals. The most common one that I have had is fried chicken, though. I know that is the food that they served at my uncles, and my grandpas. They also had duck at my grandpas, which was kind of just because duck hunting was a big part of his life. I think that it is very interesting that casseroles were the tradition. I never really have thought about how important food is to funerals. I really like how you said people find comfort in food. This is definitely true.