refers to the person who "under took" responsibility for funeral
arrangements. Many of the early undertakers were furniture makers
because building caskets was a logical extension of their business. For
them, undertaking was a second business rather than a primary
profession. - See more at:
The "undertaker" was the person who "under took" responsibility for the funeral arrangements of the deceased. Undertakers in earlier times were typically furniture makers and building caskets was a second business rather than a primary business/profession (FuneralWise).
picture source: Schmidt, B. (n.d.). Mark Twain's Quarrel with Undertakers - It All Begins with Jennie Clemens. Retrieved September 26, 2013, from http://www.twainquotes.com/jennie.html
As far as embalming, it actually dates back to the time of the Egyptians, but became more popular around the time of the Civil War when they had to bring the bodies back home, but developed more over time into a profession.
Another change is the coffins/caskets. It was the undertakers that made the coffins in the early 20th century or a family member, but this later became a professional business where large companies now make them. The styles and designs/options have dramatically increased since the 20th century.
undertakers made the coffins
Funeral Wise (n.d.). History of the Funeral Industry | Funeralwise. Retrieved September 26, 2013, from http://www.funeralwise.com/learn/industry#sthash.Hw7emTib.dpuf
picture sources:Neighbors, J. (2012, August 10). A Grave Interest: History of Coffins & Caskets. Retrieved September 26, 2013, from http://agraveinterest.blogspot.com/2012/08/history-of-coffins-caskets.html
Casket Showcase (n.d.). Caskets for Sale | Discount Caskets | Caskets Online | Funeral Caskets | Cheap Caskets | Discount Caskets. Retrieved September 26, 2013, from http://www.casketshowcase.com/

refers to the person who "under took" responsibility for funeral
arrangements. Many of the early undertakers were furniture makers
because building caskets was a logical extension of their business. For
them, undertaking was a second business rather than a primary
profession. - See more at:
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